I am a student at RPI, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I am currently studying computer and electrical engineering.
Below you will find a list of my notable classes, as well as a summary of what was done therein. If you want to see a full list of classes, my transcript can be made available upon request.
Electrical Circuits
This course taught about the uses and fundamental mechanics of circuit components. From resistors to op amps, I learned through rigorous simulation and hands on practice. We designed circuits to perform functions, as well as to respond to certain stimuli, all without the assistance of microcontrollers. This class was taught with LTSpice.
Computer Science I and Data Structures
These courses taught the process and practice of computer programming. From basic functions to complex structures and implementations, all manner of information was conveyed and then used in numerous, weekly implementation assignments. These classes were taught in Python and C++
Embedded Control
This class taught integration and implementation of code and logical structure into microcontrollers. We made and implemented many programs, from simple games to timed performances. In the end, this class culminated in a maze solving project, where I crafted, coded, and implemented a car which was capable of autonomously navigating a maze. That project can be viewed under New Projects -> Maze Solver. This class was taught in C using Code Composer Studio
Intro To Engineering Design
This class taught the about many of the non-engineering parts of the engineering process. From research to benchmarking, even going into team dynamics and leadership structure. At the end this class culminated with a large, multi month design project, which can be viewed under New Projects -> EcoCart.
These classes taught about fundamental computer mechanics. Computer Components and Operations focused on fundamentals like binary, to basic computer components like MUXs. Computer Architecture, Networks, and Operating Systems focused on the basics of the operating system, sending signals, and the fundamental of registers. These classes were taught in Xilinx and MIPS.
This class taught the process of drafting, both digitally and physically. Designs were given and replicated to exactness. Additionally, there were opportunities to design and print creations of our own. I also have experience with CAD going back to high school, with makerspace and beyond. This class was taught in Simmons NX, and I also have experience with SolidWorks.